Reiki Therapy

Reiki is a spiritual healing practice originating from Japan that uses spiritually
guided life force energy flowing through a practitioner’s hands to promote healing. It is not affiliated with any particular religion or belief and is not a form of massage. The session involves specific hand positions and is conducted by a Reiki Practitioner.

Key benefits

  • Reiki Therapy
  • Ease tension and stress.
  • Increase energy flow.
  • Shift blockages and rebalance the energy system (chakras).
  • Helps the body to facilitate physical, mental and emotional healing.
  • Complementary to western medicine especially chronically ill patients.

Full Body Reiki

60 min
Starting from IDR 550.000

The Experts

Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Reiki Master, Transformational Alchemy Practitioner
Siti Rahmawati
Reiki Master, Yoga Teacher