Relationship Retreat

Saturday 14 September 2024
13.30 - 20.30

Journey to Relationship Harmony

Session 1: 13.30-16.30

Love Across Generations: Healing Communication Gaps to Strengthen Family Connection

Cindy Gozali & Silvia Basuki

•⁠  ⁠Family Constellation: Uncover and heal hidden family dynamics, creating harmony and understanding across generations.

•⁠  ⁠Heart-Core Communication: Learn powerful talk and meditation techniques to foster deeper, more meaningful conversations with your loved ones.

Session 2: 17.30-20.30

Bach Flower Remedy for Emotions and Relationship

Karmen Kantaatmadja
Bach Flower Registered Practitioner
Holistic Wellness Expert and Founder of Urban Dukun

Unravel the emotions that are impacting you, managing your reaction and interactions so you can foster a healthier and fulfilling relationship.

Karmen will guide the group to identify and  target a group of  emotions and  each participant will make their own personalized mix of a Bach Flower Remedies to take home to.

The Experts

Founder & CEO JIVARAGA Space, Leadership & Mindfulness Coach
Sebagai seorang entrepreneur, leader, dan coach, Cindy Gozali sangat memahami tekanan di dunia yang serba cepat ini. Dengan keahlian khusus dan Certified Mindfulness and Meditation Instructor dari School of Positive Transformation, Amerika Serikat, ia mampu membimbing orang lain untuk menghadapi tantangan ini dan hidup sesuai dengan potensi terbaik mereka. Cindy percaya bahwa kunci utama untuk […]
Founder & COO JIVARAGA Space, Family & Couple Counselor, Certified Family Constellation Therapist
Terinspirasi dari pengalaman hidupnya, Silvia Basuki memperdalam ilmu komunikasi keluarga dan menjadi Certified Systemic Coach & Family Constellation Therapist in The Bert Hellinger Method, dengan fokus khusus pada Family & Couple Counselor, dan Family Constellation. Sebagai seorang perempuan, anak, istri, dan ibu, Silvia Basuki akan membantu setiap orang yang membutuhkan pertolongannya dengan strategi praktis dan […]