Private Sessions

Reading – Therapy – Counseling- Coaching
Discover a safe space for Personalized Guidance and Support. Our private sessions are tailored to meet your individual needs and address your specific concerns. Enhance your overall well-being and personal growth through our holistic approach.


Energy Vitality Mapping

Capture a detailed snapshot of your energetic and physical health, stress level
and emotional state in one comprehensive scan.

Key Benefits:

  • Visualize and understand your unique energy profile for targeted health interventions.
  • Identify imbalances and stress points as preventative measures.
  • Track your progress in real-time and adjust your lifestyle for improved energy and vitality

30 min
IDR 500.000

Oracle Card Reading

Unlock personal insights and guidance for life’s journey with intuitive oracle card readings.

Key Benefits:

  • Gain clarity on personal challenges and discover potential paths forward.
  • Foster self-reflection and personal growth through symbolic interpretation.
  • Receive empowering messages to guide decision-making and enhance spiritual well-being.

30 min
IDR 500.000

30 min
IDR 500.000

Sound Healing Practitioner
Spiritual Life Coach and Quantum Healing Facilitator
Family & Couple Counselor, Certified Family Constellation Therapist

Human Design

Human Design is an innovative system synthesising genetics, quantum physics and western astrology, chakra, I Ching, Kabbalah to decode your personal energy blueprint. Discover your innate traits, decision-making strategies, and optimal paths for a more authentic life. Gain insights to align with your true self, make confident choices, nurture meaningful relationships, and create a roadmap for personal growth and fulfillment. Elevate your life by embracing the power of your distinct Human Design

Human Design Reading

  • Gain deep insights of your strengths, and potential challenges based on the 64 I Ching Gates, channels and circuitry
  • Practice how you uniquely make decisions to reduce stress and indecision
  • Discover how to align your actions and decisions with your authentic self, leading to greater fulfillment and success in all areas of life

60 min
IDR 1.200.000

Human Design Coaching

  • Experience holistic transformation across various aspects of life, from career and relationships to health and spirituality, as you integrate Human Design principles into your daily living
  • Improve relationships by uncovering compatibility dynamics and learning how to interact more effectively with others
  • Receive personalized insights and strategies based on your unique Human
  • Design, empowering you to make informed decisions aligned with your authentic self

3×90 min
IDR 4.800.000

Human Design Coach, Meditation & Yoga Teacher

Be The CEO of Your Life

Life/Work Transition Counseling & Coaching

Are you overwhelmed by life’s demands or stuck in your career? Struggling with life transitions or workplace stress? It’s time to break free and step into a life of clarity and fulfillment


  • Overcome trauma and emotional blockages.
  • Navigate life transitions and workplace challenges.
  • Address the root causes of why you feel stuck.


  • Set clear goals and develop actionable plans.
  • Build confidence and prepare for a successful future.
  • Embrace your potential and navigate transitions with clarity.

Key benefits

  • Overcome trauma and life challenges.
  • Smoothly transition through life and work changes.
  • Develop clear objectives and strategies for success.
  • Enhance emotional resilience and mental clarity.
  • Boost self-worth and confidence.

What’s the difference between Counseling and Coaching?


  • Focus on past issues and emotional healing.
  • Explore and resolve deep-seated challenges.


  • Focus on future goals and achievements.
  • Set clear objectives and build strategies

Perfect for:

  • Professionals and entrepreneurs facing burnout and seeking better work-life balance.
  • Individuals stuck in their careers and looking for direction.
  • Those navigating life transitions, such as changes in relationships, career shifts, or personal growth.
  • Anyone struggling with stress, anxiety, or self-doubt.
  • Those who want to improve their emotional resilience and mental clarity.

60 min – IDR 1.500.000
Package of 3 – IDR 3.600.000

Coaching and Counseling
6 hours – IDR 9.900.000

Leadership & Mindfulness Coach

Personalized Functional Nutrition Session

A functional nutritionist specializes in analyzing an individual’s health history,
dietary habits, and lifestyle factors to create personalized nutrition plans, focusing on identifying and addressing the root causes of health issues rather than just managing symptoms.

We’ll delve deep into understanding your unique needs and crafting a comprehensive nutrition plan tailored specifically to you. With the support of assessments, educational sessions, and breathing techniques, we’ll work together to achieve your goal of optimal health

Human Design Coaching

Key benefits:

  • Customized nutrition plans incorporating whole, nutrient-dense foods.
  • Identity and address the root causes of health issues.
  • Guidance on lifestyle modifications for sustainable health improvements.
    Empowerment to take control of your health and achieve optimal well-being

3 Sessions
1 x 90 Min + 2 x 45 Min Sessions
Investment: IDR 4.200.000

Simnran Nanwani
Functional Medicine Nutritionist Biofield Energy Clearing Practitioner

Holistic Therapy

Family Constellation

Family Constellation Therapy is a powerful therapeutic method that delves into the hidden dynamics within family systems to uncover and resolve deeply rooted issues.

In a supportive 1-1 or group setting, participants explore the intergenerational
patterns, traumas, and unresolved conflicts that may be impacting their lives

Key benefits:

  • Gain insights into hidden family dynamics and intergenerational patterns that may be influencing your current life’s problems.
  • Release unresolved emotions andtraumas that may be blocking personal growth and fulfillment.
  • Experience greater empathy, understanding, and compassion for oneself and others.
  • Improve relationships and foster greater connection harmony within your family system.

60 min – IDR 1.500.000 
Package of 3 sessions – IDR 3.600.000 

Public or Private Group Workshop:
Inquire Within

Family & Couple Counselor, Certified Family Constellation Therapist

Access Bars®

Access Bars is like hitting the delete button on your computer’s hard drive—except this time, it creates space in your mind.

This gentle touch therapy releases negative thought patterns, trauma, and emotions from 32 points on the head.

Key Benefits:

  • Energize and relax the body.
  • Reduce stress and tension.
  • Enhances mental clarity.
  • Enhances problem solving capacity.
  • Reduces depression and anxiety.
  • Release limiting beliefs and internal barriers.
  • Improve overall well-being

60 min
IDR 850.000

Package of 3 sessions
IDR 2.300.000

Leadership & Mindfulness Coach
Access Bars and Facelift Facilitator
Purde Soraya
Access Bars & Facelift Facilitator, Body Process Practitioner

Body Process

Body Process incorporates gentle touch to stimulate changes at the cellular level. by addressing the underlying causes of pain, discomfort and illness – which are often the result of ignoring the information conveyed
by the body – you are able to unlock their body’s true capacity and potential.

Key Benefits:

  • Restore the body functions.
  • Repair and extend the lifespan.
  • Release pressure, discomfort, resistance, and trauma in your body.
  • Improve the immune system.

60 min
IDR 850.000

Package of 3 sessions
IDR 2.300.000

Access Bars and Facelift Facilitator
Purde Soraya
Access Bars & Facelift Facilitator, Body Process Practitioner

Energetic Facelift

The therapy rejuvenates the face and reverses the signs of aging on the face and entire body. It works by unlocking trapped energy in your facial, head, chest and body.

Key Benefits:

  • Youthful glow and appearance.
  • Improved confidence and happiness.
  • Improved relaxation and stress reduction.
  • Enhanced skin health.
  • Firmer body and radiant hair.Increased overall energy levels and vitality

60 min
IDR 1.100.000

Package of 3 sessions
IDR 3.000.000

Purde Soraya
Access Bars & Facelift Facilitator, Body Process Practitioner
Access Bars and Facelift Facilitator

Symphony of Possibilities

This modality brings us back to the joy, freedom, and possibilities of our childhood, expands our space and allows us to achieve whatever we truly desire. Through questions and Symphony of Possibilities energy we change your molecules to actualize more in our lives.

Key Benefits:

  • Expand life’s potential.
  • Willingness to change.
  • Sense of having more possibilitiesin your life, beyond your imagination.

60 min
IDR 1.350.000

Purde Soraya
Access Bars & Facelift Facilitator, Body Process Practitioner


This therapy method involves hypnosis to achieve deep relaxation and facilitate
changes in a person’s behavior, thoughts and emotions. It involves hypnotic induction and positive suggestion to help clients understand the root of problems and achieve specific goals.

Key benefits:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Facilitate behavioral and habit changes.
  • Address phobias.
  • Increase self-esteem, s elf-confidence.
  • Improved sleep.
  • Support weight management
  • Aid in processing emotions, healing past traumas

60 min
IDR 1.000.000

Package of 3 sessions
IDR 2.800.000

Dwi Sutarjantono
Mind Programmer, Hypnotherapy Specialist

Quantum Healing

Quantum Healing explains how thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes can impact health. It is not a substitute for mainstream treatment, but rather a way to identify and prevent future ailments by understanding the influence of consciousness on the body’s functioning and information flow between
cells and organs.

Key Benefits:

  • Make peace with illness.
  • Overcome emotional and mental bproblems.
  • Restore balance and harmony in the body.
  • Become aware of energy points within yourself.
  • Heal yourself more holistically.

90 min
IDR 1.500.000

Spiritual Life Coach and Quantum Healing Facilitator

Reiki Therapy

Reiki is a spiritual healing practice originating from Japan that uses spiritually
guided life force energy flowing through a practitioner’s hands to promote healing. It is not affiliated with any particular religion or belief and is not a form of massage. The session involves specific hand positions and is conducted by a Reiki Practitioner.

Key benefits

  • Reiki Therapy
  • Ease tension and stress.
  • Increase energy flow.
  • Shift blockages and rebalance the energy system (chakras).
  • Helps the body to facilitate physical, mental and emotional healing.
  • Complementary to western medicine especially chronically ill patients.

Full Body Reiki

60 min
Starting from IDR 550.000

Yoga & Meditation Teacher
Siti Rahmawati
Reiki Master

Reiki Crystal Therapy

Crystal Reiki combines the natural properties of crystals and Reiki energy Each crystal has its own unique property. The treatment uses crystals on the seven main chakras to create balance and alignment, depending on individual needs.

The focus is on working through the chakra system and aura layers to encourage the crystals’ vibrational frequency to create balance and alignment.

Key benefits:

  • Reduce tiredness, stress, anxiety, depression.
  • Balance and align body energy.
  • Facilitate grounding.
  • Helps the body to facilitate physical, mental and emotional healing.

Full Body Crystal Reiki

60 min
IDR 700.000

Siti Rahmawati
Reiki Master

BioField Energy Clearing

BioField Clearing (BFC) addresses deepseated issues stored in our energy field, including unconscious wounds, traumas, fears, and limiting beliefs which affect various aspects of our lives.

Utilizing a comprehensive system with 18 charts and specific methods, BFC
identifies and clears these challenges, delving into the subconscious, unconscious mind, and DNA. It’s a formal process that requires choice, decision, and intention, enabling individuals to release negative influences hindering their progress.

Key benefits

  • Improved health, abundance, and relationships.
  • Release of limitations in health, finance, and personal growth.
  • Clarity on life purpose
  • Pathway to greater fulfillment and wellbeing

90 min
Starting from IDR 1.500.000

Simnran Nanwani
Functional Medicine Nutritionist Biofield Energy Clearing Practitioner

Rapid Transformational Therapy

A fast effective method to rewire and reprogram old beliefs that are no longer
serving you. Using hypnotherapy and regression, identify when the issue you are facing now first came into your life. Review these events and how you formed those beliefs and reprogram those beliefs to serve you better in a way that helps you. In 90 minutes discover the deep rooted reason for these issues and reprogram your mind to remove these issues effectively, rapidly and permanently.

Key benefits:

  • Clear limiting beliefs.
  • Free yourself from phobias.
  • Heal from Trauma.
  • Free yourself from addictions.
  • Tackle emotional, relationship, sexual issues.
  • Discover your life purpose.
  • Tailor made hypnosis audio.

90 min
1 Session – IDR 1.900.000
2 Sessions – IDR 3.500.000
3 Sessions – IDR 4.900.000

raja burman
Sound Healing Practitioner, RTT Therapist

Sound Therapy

Himalayan Sound Therapy

This sound treatment is based on the Ayurvedic Chakra System and Energy
Channels using Singing Bowls. This therapy works on the principle that
everything in the universe is vibrating energy, and the sound from the singing
bowl reaches every cell in our body which is composed mostly of water.

Key Benefits:

  • Release stagnant energy
  • Increase relaxation
  • Balance the physical, mental, or emotional state
  • Lower our brain waves from alpha, the active state) to Theta, the state of deep meditation or Delta, deep sleep.

60 min

1:1 Sound Therapy
IDR 750.000

1:1 with Reiki
IDR 900.000

Crystal Reiki
IDR 1.200.000


IDR 1.400.000

Couple with Reiki
IDR 1.600.000

Couple Crystal Reiki
IDR 2.200.000

Sound Therapy Journey

Be taken on a journey of deep relaxation and healing by being immersed in a multitude of beautiful acoustic sounds. A guided meditation designed to ground you and bring you into the present, followed by a multi instrument acoustic sound therapy journey specifically designed to bring you back into balance. Allow your cells, muscles and organs to gently be massaged by sound

Key Benefits:

  • Grounding & Mindfulness
  • Balance your energy centres
  • De-stress
  • Heal energetically and physically
  • Deep relaxation

90 min
1-15 Pax – IDR 3.000.000

raja burman
Sound Healing Practitioner, RTT Therapist

Chakra Balancing with Reiki and Sound

Key Benefits:

  • Balance and Alignment: Restore harmony to your body’s energy centers, promoting balance and alignment for improved overall well-being.
  • Stress Relief: Release tension from the body, leaving you feeling calm, centered, and mentally clear.
  • Vitality Boost: Clear energy blockages to enhance vitality, support immune
    function, leaving you feeling revitalized and energized.

Full Body Reiki

IDR 500.000

Inner Journey: Sound Therapy-Counseling-Breathwork

Key Benefits:

  • Emotional Release: Let your logical and conscious mind to rest while allowing
    your subconscious to speak and release the unprocessed emotions.
  • Holistic Alignment: Harmonize mind, body, and spirit to promote a sense of wholeness and balance.
  • Personal Empowerment: Experience profound self-discovery and connection

120 min

Single Session
IDR 1.500.000


Couple Session
IDR 2.500.000

Sound Healing Practitioner